When it comes to affairs, we often think of them in terms of physical cheating. But emotional affairs are just as common – and can be just as damaging to a relationship.
So what is an emotional affair? It’s defined as a close, intimate relationship with someone other than your partner that includes emotional or sexual intimacy. This can be anything from sharing secrets and confiding in each other to flirting or even having sex.
Emotional affairs are often viewed as more harmful than physical ones because they involve a betrayal of trust and can be more difficult to end. If you’re worried that you might be having an emotional affair, read on to find out more about what it is, the signs to look for, and what you can do about it.
What Is Emotional Cheating?
Emotional cheating is defined as a close, intimate relationship with someone other than your partner that includes emotional or sexual intimacy. This can be anything from sharing secrets and confiding in each other to flirting or even having sex.
While emotional affairs are often viewed as more harmful than physical ones, they can be just as damaging to a relationship. That’s because they involve a betrayal of trust, and can be more difficult to end. If you’re worried that you might be having an emotional affair, read on to find out more about what it is, the signs to look for, and what you can do about it.
Emotional Affair vs. Platonic Friendship

It’s perfectly normal to have close friends of the opposite sex. In fact, it can be healthy for your relationship. What’s not OK is when your friendship starts to cross the line into something more.
There are a few key differences between a platonic friendship and an emotional affair:
- With an emotional affair, you keep secrets from your partner. This might include talking about things you wouldn’t share with them or hiding your conversations and interactions from them.
- An emotional affair often feels more intense than a friendship. You might find yourself constantly thinking about the other person and feeling excited or happy when you’re around them.
- Emotional affairs usually involve sexual tension. Even if you don’t act on it, there is often a strong attraction between the two people involved.
- An emotional affair can damage your primary relationship. If you’re spending more time and energy on someone else, it’s bound to have an impact on your relationship with your partner.
Emotional Affair vs. Micro-Cheating

Micro-cheating is a term used to describe small acts of betrayal that may not be considered cheating outright but can still be hurtful to your partner.
Some examples of micro-cheating include:
- Flirting with someone else.
- Exchanging intimate or sexual texts or emails with someone else.
- Liking or commenting on someone else’s social media posts.
- Hiding your relationship status on social media.
- Sending direct messages on social media to someone you’re attracted to.
- Talking about your relationship problems with someone other than your partner.
While micro-cheating doesn’t necessarily mean you’re having an emotional affair, it can be a sign that you’re dissatisfied with your current relationship. If you’re worried that you or your partner might be micro-cheating, it’s important to communicate openly and honestly about your concerns.
What Are the Signs of an Emotional Affair?
Emotional affair signs can be difficult to spot, especially if you’re not sure what you’re looking for. However, there are some common signs to look out for, including:
- Spending more time talking to or texting someone than you do your partner.
- Hiding your relationship status on social media.
- Sending direct messages on social media to someone you’re attracted to.
- Talking about your relationship problems with someone other than your partner.
- Flirting with someone other than your partner.
- Feeling more emotionally connected to someone other than your partner.
- Making plans with someone other than your partner without including them.
- Thinking about someone other than your partner when you’re supposed to be focusing on something else.
If you notice any of these signs of emotional attraction from a man in your relationship, it’s important to talk to your partner about what’s going on. Ignoring the problem will only make it worse and could eventually lead to a physical affair or even divorce.
What Causes Emotional Affairs?

There are a number of different reasons why people have emotional affairs. Sometimes, it’s simply a matter of being attracted to someone who is not your partner. Other times, there may be underlying issues in your relationship that are causing you to seek attention and emotional connection outside of the relationship.
Some common causes of emotional affairs include:
- A lack of intimacy or connection in your current relationship.
- Feeling neglected or unimportant in your current relationship.
- Being attracted to someone who is unavailable (married, etc.).
- A need for attention or validation that is not being met by your partner.
- A desire for excitement or adventure that is lacking in your current relationship.
- Boredom or monotony in your current relationship.
Male depression and emotional affairs are emotional bonding experiences that often occur when one or both partners are feeling disconnected from each other. These Affairs can be physical, mental, or just emotional.
When your partner is emotionally cheating, it can feel like a knife to the heart. You may feel betrayed, hurt, and alone. You may also feel like you are to blame for their affair. But the truth is, your partner is responsible for their own actions and emotions.
How to Handle an Emotional Affair?
What to do when your partner is emotionally cheating? If you find out that your partner is having an emotional affair, it’s important to take some time to process what you’re feeling. It’s normal to feel hurt, jealous and betrayed. You may also feel like you are to blame for their affair. But the truth is, your partner is responsible for their own actions and emotions.
Once you’ve had a chance to process your feelings, you need to decide what you want to do about the situation. If you decide to stay in the relationship, you’ll need to work on rebuilding trust. This will require time, patience, and effort. But it can be done if both partners are committed to making things work.
If you decide to leave the relationship, do so with caution. Make sure you have a solid plan in place for yourself. You don’t want to make a rash decision that you’ll later regret.
How to Protect Your Marriage From Emotional Cheating?

It might not be easy to control your emotions, but it is possible to protect your marriage from emotional cheating.
Here are a few tips:
- Communicate with your partner regularly. This will help you stay connected and avoid getting emotionally involved with someone else.
- Spend time together doing things you both enjoy. This will help keep the spark alive in your relationship.
- Be honest with each other about your thoughts and feelings. This will help prevent misunderstandings and hurt feelings.
- Trust your gut instinct. If something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t. Don’t ignore your intuition just because you don’t want to face the truth.
Emotional investment in another person can be just as damaging to a relationship as physical cheating. If you’re not careful, it can lead to the same hurt, pain, and betrayal. Be aware of the signs of emotional cheating and take steps to protect your marriage from this type of infidelity.
It’s possible for an emotional affair to turn into a full-blown, physical relationship. However, it’s also possible for the affair to fizzle out and never become anything more than an emotional connection. It really depends on the individuals involved and the circumstances surrounding the affair.
To forgive your partner, start by communicating with them about what happened. Talk about why you’re upset and how their actions have affected you. Once you’ve communicated your feelings, give your partner some time to reflect on what they did wrong. After they’ve had time to think about things, have a discussion about forgiveness.
Men and emotional affairs often go hand-in-hand because men are more likely to cheat than women. In some cases, men may be unhappy with their current relationship and turn to another woman for attention and validation. In other cases, men may be struggling with personal issues such as low self-esteem or depression, which can lead them to seek out emotional support from someone outside of their relationship.
Final Thoughts
If you suspect that your partner is having an emotional affair, it’s important to communicate your concerns in a calm and respectful way. Avoid accusatory language and give your partner the opportunity to explain their behavior. If your partner is unwilling to be open and honest about their feelings, it may be time to consider ending the relationship. Emotional affair recovery can be a difficult and painful process, but it is possible to move on and build a healthy, lasting relationship with someone else.